ECHS Counselor's Corner

ECHS Counselors

Shongh Smith | (A - Fe)

Diane Coghlan | (Fi - Le)

Jessica Terrazas | (Li- Rod)

Kyleen Sparks | (Rodr - Z)

4 counselors


Students and their parents are encouraged to talk with a school counselor to learn more about course offerings and graduation requirements.  To plan for the future, each student should work closely with their counselor in order to enroll in the high school courses that best prepare him/her for attendance at a college, university, or trade school, or for the pursuit of some other type of advanced education.  The counselor can also provide information about entrance exams and application deadlines, as well as information about automatic admission to state colleges and universities, financial aid, and scholarships. 

ECHS school counselors are also available to assist students with a wide range of personal concerns, including such areas as social, family, or emotional issues.  ECHS counselors may also make available information about community resources to address concerns.

Selecting Courses for High School

Students and parents are encouraged to give thoughtful planning to the course selections and to the type of program that would best support their desired career path. Planning a path helps make education relevant to a student's future.

“Say Something”  – Anonymous reporting system. The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System allows you to submit secure, anonymous safety concerns to help someone who may hurt themselves or others. You can help save lives by reporting observed threats, behaviors, actions, and harassment. Examples of some of the most common behaviors and incidents to report include: acts of violence, verbal or physical abuse, sexual abuse, threats seen on social media, bullying or intimidating behaviors, bragging about weapons or a planned attack, depression, excessive guilt or worthlessness, reckless behavior, theft, substance or alcohol abuse, suicide threats, cutting or self-harm, or any other troubling situation or behavior.

El Campo High School

600 W Norris El Campo Texas 77437 ▪ 979-543-6341

9th ▪ 10th ▪ 11th ▪ 12th