⭐ See some pictures and videos from the evening here.
Cheer Minis: Meet the ECHS Cheerleaders inside the MAIN gate of Ricebird Stadium on the track at 6:55 pm on Friday, October 13th. They will cheer during the 1st Quarter of the football game.
- They are to wear their mini clinic t-shirt and their choice of black shorts or skirt, tennis shoes, and hair in a ponytail/pulled up out of the face.
- Parent/guardian may pick up mini cheerleader after the performance (2nd Quarter) from the same location as drop-off.
Derby Doll Minis: Meet the ECHS Dolls at Ricebird Stadium at 6:15 PM on October 13, in the grassy area in front of the sub-varsity locker rooms (end of the stadium closest to the field house).
- The mini-clinic girls will join the Dolls ON THE FIELD for all of pre-game traditions!! When the game begins, the dancers will be released to their parents/guardians until after the Dolls perform at halftime.
- The girls will then join the Dolls on the track and perform a short routine in groups during the first 10 minutes of the 3rd quarter. Ages 3-Kinder will perform the first few minutes and 1st- 5th grades will perform the next few minutes.
- Please have your dancer wear her mini clinic t-shirt and black shorts, jeans or leggings. Tennis shoes should be worn on her feet.
- Please make sure your dancers use the restroom prior to arrival!
- Please pick up your dancer at the same location where you dropped her off immediately after her pre-game and 3rd quarter performances.
Mini Clinic participants may enter FREE by giving their name at the MAIN gate. Anyone accompanying the participant must purchase a ticket to enter the gate and every child must have a parent/guardian present.
See you there! Go Ricebirds!