Early Registration for Pre-K and Kinder 2025-26

This is only for NEW incoming Pre-K and Kinder. You don't have to complete this registration if your child is already enrolled at Myatt Elementary.

Age Requirements:

  • Pre-K - must be 4 on or before September 1, 2025

  • Kindergarten - must be 5 on or before September 1, 2025

Required Documentation:

  • Original Birth Certificate

  • Social Security Card

  • Shot Record (must be up to date)

  • Parent Valid ID

  • Proof of Residency - a current light, water or gas bill in the parent's name (the address on ID must match the bill). **If the utility bill is not in the parent's name you can bring the person you are living with and their utility bill and ID, and we can complete proof of residency on site.

  • Check stub for one month or current valid SNAP letter (for Pre-K only).

Bring required documentation to Myatt Elementary on one of the following dates: May 6th, 7th, 13th, or 14th, from 4:30 - 6:00 PM.

*Limited Pre-K spots available

Myatt Elementary  Registro primavera

Spring registro para todos los NUEVOS estudiantes de Pre-K y Kindergarten para el año escolar 2025-2026.

Requerimientos de Edad:

  • PK - 4 años en o antes del 9/1/2025

  • KG - 5 años en o antes de 9/1/2025

 Por favor traiga:

  • certificado de nacimiento original

  • oficial registro de vacunas (debe estar actualizado)

  • tarjeta del numero seguro social

  • tarjeta de identificación con foto (padres)

  • comprobante de residencia:  factura de servicios públicos (agua, gas, electricidad)


(El documento de identificación y comprobante de residencia deben ser iguales)

 Pre-K necesita traer los talones de cheques de la casa durante los últimos 30 días para toda la casa mantenga o SNAP carta para calificar.

 Registro – Debe Traer Todos documentos:

el 6 & 7 – 13 & 14 de mayo

4:30 – 6:00 p.m.