😎 Have a safe, restful, and enjoyable spring break, Ricebirds!
44 minutes ago, Ricky Ricebird
Spring Break 2025 is march 10 through 14
The 2025 Bond includes school upgrades with no tax rate increase if approved. Proposed projects include: Additions & Upgrades -New Construction at the High School -Career & Technical Education Upgrades -Hutchins Elementary Addition Safety & Security -Improved traffic flow & designated pick-up/drop-off areas. -Fire Protection Upgrades -Connected Buildings Learn more at www.ecisd.org/bond2025
1 day ago, Ricky Ricebird
list of bond additions and upgrades, and safety and security upgrades
Prom is here! Family and friends with tickets may enter the ECHS campus through the parking lot gate and the gate on Avenue F at 6:30 and proceed to the covered walkways around the Commons area. This event is not open to the public, you must have a ticket. In the event of inclement weather, the announcing of prom attendees and parent/child dances will be canceled.
1 day ago, Ricky Ricebird
an evening of elegance prom 2025 on march 8 from 7-11 in ricebird gym
Mrs. Wenglar’s Life Skills class visited the gym this morning to see all the prom decorations, and they approved! 👍
1 day ago, Ricky Ricebird
kids with prom decorations
Congratulations to the EC White Golf, who won 1st place in the Calhoun JV tournament. Connor Savino (75) 1st medalist Landon Hickl (75) 2nd medalist Duncan Harris (75) 3rd medalist Conner Ritz (87) 4th medalist Bryan Cisneros (89)
1 day ago, Ricky Ricebird
boys golf team with plaque and medals
EC Culinary catered a delicious Taco Bar and showed off their FCCLA Competition Cupcake displays for high school faculty and staff this week. These students will be traveling to the State FCCLA Contest in April.
2 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
student with her cupcake project
students serving staff tacos
student selling cupcakes
students with their projects
We want to say "Happy Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day" to our outstanding maintenance department! Thank you for your excellent work maintaining our classrooms, offices, libraries, and facilities. Your commitment is greatly appreciated. Keep up the exceptional effort!
2 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
tool bag next to maintenance worker appreciation day
Hutchins celebrated their grade-level attendance CHAMPS during 1st- 3rd-grade lunches! Congratulations, and THANK YOU for making school a priority!! 💥 ⭐️ 💥
2 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
collage of pictures of students at celebration
A Citizens Committee of El Campo community members met over five months to evaluate long-term facility needs and develop a recommendation for the El Campo ISD Board. The 2025 Bond includes an $80.9 million proposal for school upgrades and additions, with no tax rate increase if approved. Learn more at ecisd.org/bond2025
3 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
bond 25 logo
Myatt sends a special shout-out to their diagnostician, Stacy Amestoy - Happy Diagnostician's Week!
3 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
stacy's picture along side a flower with words describing Stacy
This week, we are also celebrating our Parent Liaison, Michelle Fernandez, who strives to enhance communication between school and home by assisting parents in accessing the necessary information to support their child's academic and social achievements at school.
3 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
that you for advocating and supporting students and their families. we appreciate all that you do!
🥇8th grade earned 1ST PLACE in the EL CAMPO track meet! 100M: 2nd Ava Terrazas 200M: 2nd Ava Terrazas, 4th Estrella Limon, 5th Kilynn Moreno 400M: 2nd Ava Terrazas, 5th Emeree Lemons 800M: 1st Kinsley Espinosa, 2nd Sky Guzman, 3rd Emerald Gentry 1600: 1st Kinsley, 2nd Lexandra Gollas, 5th Zaylie Sosa 2400: 1st Lexandra, 3rd Lilly Wampler, 4th Ava York 100H: 1st Maggie Motal, 2nd Miranda Yackel, 6th Nancy Beechwood 300H: 4th Aubrey Terrazas, 5th Alyssa Pompa 4x100: 2nd Mariexa Medina, Emeree Lemons, Kilynn Moreno, Estrella 4x200: Mariexa, Jaylynn Padilla, Emma Vargas, Estrella 4x400: Jaylynn, Emma, Sky, Kilynn Long Jump: 1st Maggie, 4th Jaylynn, 5th Nancy Triple Jump: 1st Estrella, 2nd Cameron Couey, 4th Nancy Beechwood High Jump: 3rd Emerald, 4th Cameron Discus: 1st Claire Manrriquez, 2nd Vivan Daniel, 3rd Audrina Ephran 🥇 7th grade earned 1st PLACE at the EL CAMPO track meet! 100M: 1st Riott Kubala, 3rd Alanah Verduzco, 6th Avery Zuniga 200M: 3rd Alanah, 5th Camren Hawkins 400M: 6th Faith Riha 800M: 1st Margarita Rivera, 2nd Jade Thibeaux, 3rd Sofia Sabrsula 1600M: 1st Riott, 2nd Sofia 2400M: 3rd Adrianna Sanchez, 4th Teresa Jaramillo 100H: 1st Corlynn Garza, 2nd Blair Poenitzsch 300H: 2nd Corlynn Garza, 4th Kate Pfardrescher 4x100: 3rd Ainsley Shoquist, Avery, Maddie Acuna, Kiley Zetka 4x200: 4th Maddie, Camren, Blair, Kiley 4x400: 2nd Avery, Blair, Corlynn, Jade Long jump: 2nd Riott Kubala Triple jump: 1st Alanah, 2nd Maddie, 3rd Blair High jump: 1st Riott, 2nd Alanah Shot Put: 3rd Ja'Redzia Waddy, 5th Elease Thompson Discus: 1st Elease, 4th Aliyah Terrazas, 5th Ja'Redzia
3 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
8th grade ladybirds
7th grade ladybirds
Thirteen ECHS students in Mrs. Kacer’s class took their first step toward learning phlebotomy skills today…they practiced venipuncture techniques on straws! Next up are manikin arms, then each other, and soon hopefully YOU! Be on the lookout for volunteer opportunities- details coming soon.
4 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
students at desks working with straws
students at desks working with straws
This week, we celebrate Educational Diagnosticians Week. We appreciate the work that Laura, Stacy, Taryn, Stephanie, and Ginger do for the students at El Campo ISD. Happy Diagnostician’s Week to the BEST!!
4 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
happy educational diagnostician week march 2-8, 2025
proclamation from the governor of texas
“Oh the places you will go!” - Career Day theme for Read Across America at ECMS
4 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
group of students dressed up for career day
⛳ Boys Golf racked up another 1st place at the Calhoun tournament! Rhett Russell (77) tied 1st medalist Trace Matthews (79) tied 4th medalist Carter Arrambide (80) James Dorotik (84) Bradyn Krasucky (85)
5 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
golf team with plaque and medals
Mrs. Gonzales’ kinder bilingual kids learned about the colorful world of Mardi Gras today by creating some dazzling masks!
5 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
group of kids wearing their mardi gras masks
Get your tickets and make the short drive to support our Ladybirds this afternoon! 🔗https://gofan.co/event/3168537?schoolId=TX17862
5 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
ladybirds game day in wharton today at 5 and 7
The Special Olympics Area 22 Gulf Coast Basketball competition took place in Alvin on March 1st. Our athletes competed in the Individual Skills portion and did a great job representing El Campo! Division II Winners: Zander Marrufo - 1st place and received a gold medal Felix Saenz - 2nd place and received a silver medal Division I Winner: Timothy Armstrong - 1st place and received a gold medal
5 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
the 3 boys wearing their medals
🏋️‍♀️🏆 Let's hear it for our Ladybird Powerlifters and Coach Vaquera! At the Regional meet this weekend, they placed 2nd as a team. They also had 3 Regional Champions, a best squatter in the 165lb weight class, and set 2 records in the 242lb weight class. Next stop, State on the 14th! 💪 🥇Bethany Huggins - Regional Champ/Best Squat 🥇Scarlett Martin - Regional Champ/Regional record squat/Regional record total 🥇Adrienne Rodriguez - Regional Champ 🥈Ally Espericueta - 2nd place 🥉Katherine Nicks - 3rd place 🥉Aribel Zarate - 3rd place Makayla Bard - 6th place Maysen Manriquez - 6th place Ericka Sardinea - 8th place Jennifer Hernandez - 9th place Paisley Hlavaty - 10th place Isabella Dominguez - 12th place
6 days ago, Ricky Ricebird
team picture
2nd place plaque