ECMS: GT Showcase at ECMS Cafeteria February 7, 10-10:30 am. Please come see all our great projects!
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
Reminder: The El Campo ISD/Rice ISD Special Education Department will be hosting a Transition Fair for parents and students at the El Campo Civic Center, tomorrow, February 3rd, from 10am-6pm. This will include presentations by the Social Security Administration, Texana and First State Bank of Louise. Vendors include local agencies and support for families of children with disabilities. All parents who attend will be eligible for door prizes. We hope to see you there! For more information:
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
transition fair feb 3 ec civic center
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
In this episode of the news, meet Coach Savell, see what happened at the school board meeting, hear what Monday's Ricebird University is about, and get an update on the Ricebirds!
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
ricebird news logo Jan 27 2023
🎉Recognizing Ricebirds for their outstanding achievements is the best part of the school board meeting! Last night the board recognized: ECHS: STARS students who competed at the State Congressional Debate, ECMS: One Act Play - 2nd place, and Remarkable Ricebirds: Brittany Rives, Laura Prihoda, Amanda Acosta (not pictured) See the board meeting here:
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
Board president with STARS students
board president with ECMS One act play students
Board president with Remarkable Ricebirds Brittany Rives and Laura Prihoda
El Campo ISD's academic calendar for the 2023-24 school year has been approved! View the complete 2023-24 calendar at: The first day of school will be Tuesday, Aug. 15. Teachers return on Wednesday, Aug. 2, for staff development and instructional planning. The unanimous approval vote by the ECISD Board of Trustees was made at the Jan. 24 school board meeting.
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
calendar with "approved" stamp
ECHS National Honor Society is hosting a blood drive this week on Wednesday, Jan 25th in the practice gym. 9:00 am - 3 pm. Free t-shirts for donors. Sign up to save lives!
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
In this episode of the news, hear about next week's school board meeting, Ricebird University, our Ricebird Cheerleaders, and an update on Ricebirds sports.
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
ricebird news logo jan 19 2023
Save the Date!
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
Parents! join us for technology tips at northside elementary cafeteria monday january 23 2023 5:30-6:30.
Padres! Acompanaros para Consejos Tecnologicos Lunes 23 de enero, 2023 5:30-6:30 Northside Elementary Cafeteria
ECMS hot chocolate bar was a success!!
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
2 smiling girls taping their hot chocolate cups together
a teacher serving a student marshmallows for her drink
3 smiling girls with their hot chocolate cups
a smiling girl with her hot chocolate cup
ECMS Parents/Guardians: On Thursday, January 26th, El Campo Middle School will host the Determined to Succeed program presented to all grade levels by Youth Equipped to Succeed (YES). This program focuses on helping students make choices that ensure healthy relationships and sexual health. There will be a parent program Wednesday, January 25th from 5:30-6:30 in the ECMS Cafeteria. The parent program will allow you to ask questions and gain more information about the presentation. Your child was given a permission form which must be returned to their 2nd period teacher by Friday, January 20th. IN ORDER FOR YOUR CHILD TO ATTEND THIS PROGRAM, THE PERMISSION FORM MUST BE RETURNED WITH A “YES” RESPONSE.
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
hot cocoa party january 18th during lunches. $2 a cup
7th grade students participated in a hands-on presentation on real-life work scenarios, "LEGO imPOSSIBLE". Teams experienced members who were fired, sick, and other various issues that arise in the workforce. Thank you to the presenters from Texas Workforce Solutions.
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
students working with legos at table
students working with legos at table
students working with legos at table
students working with legos at table
Reminder: No School Monday, January 16, 2023. Classes resume Tuesday, January 17, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
In this episode of the news, hear about our State UIL Congress kids, the Remarkable Ricebird recipients, and where you can find the Ricebirds in action.
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
ricebird news logo jan 12 2023
The district was asked to wear blue today in support of Human Trafficking Victims. ECMS participated in the Blue Sand Project during lunches. The blue sand spread throughout the cracks of sidewalks represents human trafficking victims to let them know they are not alone in the fight. They have our support. #TXBlueSandProject
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
several students outside with blue chalk
3 students with blue chalk
This Friday, January 13 is a staff development day (student holiday) followed by Monday, January 16th, MLK Day. District and Campus Offices will be closed on the 16th. Students, enjoy your 4 day weekend! Download our mobile app to stay connected with more important upcoming calendar dates. Search El Campo ISD in your Google Play or Apple APP store!
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
january 2023 calendar marking the 13th and 16th
ECISD School Resource Officers are here to look out for our Ricebirds. They respond to calls, resolve disputes, control traffic, and build relationships with students and staff that foster a safe learning environment. Thanks for keeping our district safe!
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
ECISD SROs with a thank you
The ECHS Cheerleaders invite you to come watch their UIL State Championship routine tonight at 7:45 in the Ricebird Gym.
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
join us for our uil state championship showoff tonight at 7:45 in ricebird gym
In this episode of the news, we honor our School Board, remind you about upcoming holidays for students and staff, and update you on Ricebirds sports.
about 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
ricebird news logo jan 5 2023