Calling all little Ricebirds! 📣 The ECHS Cheerleaders’ annual mini clinic is coming up on Sept. 30th...register today! *Please NOTE: The performance date has changed to Oct 7th* Click the link to download a printable form:
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
Please see our map for parking if you plan to attend football games at Ricebird Stadium this fall.
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
map for parking at ricebird stadium
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency push notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
Ricebird Football will honor the 2012 El Campo State Finalist Team during the coin flip, Friday (8/26), before the EC/Cuero game! Coach Bob Gillis, as well as some of the players from the 2012 team, will be on the field to take part in the pre-game coin toss! The coin toss should take place around 7:20 p.m. Please make sure to be in the stadium early, and let's celebrate the 2012 State Finalist team in true Ricebird fashion!!!!
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
state finalist banner at ricebird stadium
The high school cheerleaders will host their Mini Clinic on Friday, Sept 30th. See the registration information here:
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
ECMS says “Thanks H‑E‑B for providing breakfast for all our staff!”
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
teachers with food
Don’t forget, incoming 6th graders and their parents are invited to orientation today, Aug. 4th, from 5-7pm at ECMS.
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
Attention ECMS Parents: To address parent concerns, along with clear backpacks, COLORED MESH backpacks that are fully transparent will also be allowed this school year.
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird