🏀Varsity Ricebirds vs Bryan Rudder - Dec 30 at 1:00 at Ricebird Gym🏀
Go Birds Go!
🏀 Ricebirds vs Bay City - 4:30/5:45/7:00
🏀 Ladybirds @ Bay City - 5:00/6:15
⚽ Ricebirds vs Victoria East @ Home - 5:30/7:00
The ECHS Power Up members visited Northside to share some holiday cheer and a love of learning! Power Up and their mentor group, Power Bug, used their knowledge of energy to create holiday candle carousels. The activity allowed the Power Up members to interact and engage with Northside 5th graders from the Power Bug group.
HOSA recently took a field trip to the Body Worlds exhibit at Moody Gardens. There, students had the opportunity to observe real human bodies and their composition of muscles, tissues, nerves, blood vessels, and more.
One highlight was viewing various organs on display, particularly the diaphragm, which connected to a recent classroom discussion.
The exhibit features actual human specimens donated for this incredible educational experience. After exploring the exhibit, the students enjoyed watching a 3D movie about the human body.
Teachers at ECHS came together to enjoy a story while participating in their annual holiday sock exchange, passing their sock gifts to the left and right upon hearing specific keywords.
Let's hear it for our Ricebirds! 15-4A Division 1 All-District Football Awards: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGZlvLeDLg/Od7ckKfB2ZRVN51sbj7qpQ/watch?utm_content=DAGZlvLeDLg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h2042d44df3
🏀 Ladybirds vs Needville @ Home - 4:30/5:45/7:00
🏀 Ricebirds @ Needville - 4:30/5:45/7:00
⚽ Ladybirds @ Sweeny - 5:30
⚽ Ricebirds vs Lamar Consolidated @ Home - 5:30/7:00
Come out and support FCCLA's Senior Boys vs ECHS Faculty volleyball tournament! Thursday, December 19 at 1:00 pm in Ricebird Gym. $5 admission.
This is a friendly reminder! Students will be released at noon this Friday, December 20. They will then have Winter Break, from December 23 to January 7. Following the break, teachers will return to work on Monday, January 6 for convocation and January 7 for a workday. Students will jump back into the classrooms on Wednesday, January 8.
The Varsity Ricebird Basketball Team finished 2nd place at the Schulenburg tournament!
Went 2-2 with wins over Schulenburg and Hempstead.
Go Birds Go!
Who's ready for some S⚽CCER???
🚨First district road game is tonight! See you in Wharton! 🚨
Get tickets here https://gofan.co/event/1997741
🎅Christmas Party Fun! See the festivities here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGZGZxVERA/vUw14iIWc0rtpJl-2jjFZA/watch?utm_content=DAGZGZxVERA&utm_campaign=share_your_design&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel
Christmas Parade Fun 🎄
Hey, ECHS! Make plans to attend the Sadie Hawkins dance on Saturday, January 18th, from 7:30-10:30 in the Ricebird Gym! All grades are welcome - individuals and couples. It is a tradition that girls ask boys to a Sadie Hawkins dance. Dress is cute country casual, and must in dress code.
Tickets are on sale now and are $15 each until December 20th. After that, tickets will be $20 until January 17th. Only 500 tickets will be sold, so get yours now!
ECHS students only! Concessions will be available for purchase.
Support STEP II - Plant Sale Friday, December 13 at ECHS Bus ramp on Ave F. 9-1:00.
All winter plants are half-priced - $3 each!
Or, $25 a flat (12-quart size pots)
We have Purple Dianthus - Pink Magic Dianthus - Raspberry Dianthus - Cherry Dianthus - Pansies.
email bhlavaty@ricebirds.net with any questions
The Special Olympics Area 22 Gulf Coast Bowling competition took place in Webster on December 7th against 5 other school districts. Our athletes did a great job of representing El Campo!
Hannah Weathers placed 2nd and received a Silver medal.
Summer Guthrie placed 2nd and received a Silver medal.
Zander Maruffo placed 3rd and received a Bronze medal.
Timothy Armstrong placed 4th.
Felix Saenz placed 4th.
Ladybird 🏀 Game Day Alert 🚨 District Opener Tonight at 6:00 🚨 BE THERE!
ECHS Band Holiday Concert - Thursday, December 12th at 6:30.