EL CAMPO ISD is accepting applications for the following SUBSTITUTE POSITIONS:
1. Substitute Teacher - Applicants must have at least a High School diploma or G.E.D. and be able to attend a training session on Tuesday, October 25, 2022. There is no fee for the training session.
2. Substitute Nurse - Must have current LVN or RN License or current EMT Certification.
REMINDER: When hired, all ECISD employees are required to be fingerprinted for a Criminal History Review. Fee - $47.50
You can apply online at https://bit.ly/ECISDjobs or at the ECISD Business Office, 700 W. Norris.
The deadline to apply for the substitute teacher position is October 21, 2022.
El Campo Independent School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Go Ladybirds! Beat Bellville! 🏐🔥🏐🔥🏐🔥 #ttbl

El Campo ISD SHAC and the school nurses would like to send a BIG thank you to the ECHS Anchor Club and sponsors (Pam Hunt and Bonnie Peterson) for donating personal care items that will be used for students in need throughout Northside, middle school and high school.

🎾 Good Luck Tennis at the Bi District Tournament! #TTBL

ECHS AVID classes discussed how self-perception can differ from the way others see us. The students participated in an activity where they taped a paper plate to their backs and their classmates wrote comments and positive messages anonymously on every plate. Once the students read all of the comments they wrote a reflection on how their self perception differed from their classmates. This was a great lesson on thinking positive about yourself!

ECHS Cross Country at their District Meet today in Royal!

This week ECHS Interact will be participating in a fundraiser to fight POLIO and end this terrible disease. Donations will be taken for the next two weeks and our Rotary district will host a Duck Race at the Jordan Ranch on October 22. Students, community members, and faculty can donate $1, $5, $10, or $20 for 1 duck, or $100 for 6 ducks that will be entered into the Rotary Race on October 22. Let's get active and help end Polio. See an Interact member or Mrs. Farrar in A119 (sfarrar@ricebirds.net) for more information.

ECHS faculty enjoyed a lunch prepared by Culinary students during
their second Lunch and Learn presented by the campus principal, Mr.
Fleener, and Instructional Coaches, Natalie Gwosdz and Brittanie
Payne. Teachers reviewed best teaching practices incorporating
Fundamental Five classroom methods.

🏐 Go Ladybirds! 🏐 Cage the Tigers 📣

🏈 Who's ready for some Ricebird Football? 📣Who's ready to BEAT the Black Cats? Don't miss out on this legendary match-up tonight at Ricebird Stadium! Gates open at 6 and kickoff is at 7. #TTBL

⭐Friendly Reminder: Friday, October 14th, is a student holiday, teacher staff development day. Monday, October 17th, is parent-teacher conferences, and a student holiday.
📲Download our mobile app to stay connected with more upcoming calendar dates and our Live Feed. Search EL CAMPO ISD in your Google Play or Apple App store!

In this episode of the news, we celebrate Principals Month with special guest Rebecca Crowell. Hear reminders about upcoming student holidays, parent-teacher conferences, and student registration; and find out where you can catch the Ricebirds in action over the next week. https://youtu.be/FQ4Favr686A

Tickets for tonight's sub-varsity games can be purchased here:
F/JV @ Bay City: https://gofan.co/app/events/687585?schoolId=TX17659
All fans enter at the traffic light. They only open the HOME gate but fans may sit on the visitor side.
JV Red @ Industrial: https://industrialisd.hometownticketing.com/embed/event/249?es=deeob50n7rhsbl98242tssco1q&single=0

1. The percentage - Approximately 70% — 85% of children placed in special education for learning disabilities are dyslexic.
2. They are more creative - Dyslexics are creative and have higher levels of intelligence.
3. Walt Disney was dyslexic - Disney was diagnosed with dyslexia, which didn’t stop him from creating his massive empire.
4. The right side of the brain - Dyslexics use the right side of the brain more for processing information.
5. The left-right conundrum - Dyslexics don’t ‘see’ words backward, it’s the deficits caused by the interpretation of left and right.
Information curtesy of https://nationaltoday.com/dyslexia-awareness-month/

The ECHS AVID students have been working to create our AVID Family. They worked in groups painting pumpkins to express their view of the family atmosphere we have created in our AVID classes. The teachers at ECHS voted on the top pumpkins and those will be displayed around the campus. See them here: https://tinyurl.com/ykxcuz3r

Ms. Kacer's Health Science Clinical class is learning how to take blood pressure manually.

Tickets for the legendary El Campo 🏈 Bay City game go on sale tomorrow!
📍 Ricebird Athletic Office
📅 Wednesday & Thursday from 8-12
📍 Ricebird Gym - Friday 9-9:30
💲 Tickets are $8
One of the many great finishes - Rich Lord on the call at KULP who went on to be the voice of the Astros and Texans: https://youtu.be/p2jUQwPejQo

Our Special Olympians are selling "be kind" shirts to help pay for their practices at the bowling alley. Our ECMS, ECHS, and Step 2 athletes are participating in the Bowling competition on Dec. 3 in Texas City. The shirts come in SS (short sleeve) or LS (long sleeve). Orders will be taken through October 7th. Order forms & money can be turned in on your child's campus. We appreciate your support! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kEnO_ucq3-0XjK54p8fkiZ0fArJ1aD2D/view?usp=sharing

Save the Date! Parent-Teacher conferences are in 2 weeks!

The ECMS NJHS students will be hosting a Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk event on November 19th. See the flyer for details!