Homecoming game is a win! EC 50 Wharton 14. Homecoming Queen is Anna Rod and King is Jaylin Hawkins!
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
homecoming Queen with her father
Advanced floral design students created mums and garters for Life Skills students at ECISD campuses. It was a fun surprise when all the projects were delivered!
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
high schooler giving an elementary student a homecoming mum
high schoolers giving a class of elementary students homecoming mums
Go LADYBIRDS! 🏐🔥🏐🔥🏐 Beat Bellville!
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
volleyball games at 4:30 and 5:50 at Bellville
Flashback a short 10 years to Homecoming 2012 - When Janerica Cunningham and Khalil Randall were crowned the Queen and King, and Rihanna, Adele, Bruno Mars, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Taylor Swift top the music charts. See someone you know, tag 'em! #homecoming22 #ricebirdnation
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
homecoming pictures from the 2013 yearbook
homecoming pictures from the 2013 yearbook
El Campo ISD is looking for a security guard for the high school and a parent liaison. Interested? Click here: https://bit.ly/ECISDjobs
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
hiring notice for security guard and parent liason
Flashback 20 years to Homecoming 2002 - When Brooke Radley wore the Homecoming crown and the kids were watching the 9th season of Friends, The Osbournes, and Dawson's Creek. See someone you know, tag 'em! #homecoming22 #ricebirdnation
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
homecoming queen from the 2002 yearbook
homecoming pictures from the 2002 yearbook
Who will be the 2022 Homecoming Queen & King? Queen nominees are Danielle Earls, Anna Rod, Lanihya Young, & Ariana Magallan. King nominees are Jacob Korenek, Luke Wenglar, Jaylin Hawkins, & Alejandro Fernandez. Homecoming King will be announced at the Pep Rally on Friday morning, and the Homecoming Queen will be announced before the game Friday night. Congratulations to all of the finalists!
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
homecoming queen and king nominees
🏐 Go Ladybirds! 🏐 #ttbl
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
volleyball games at 5 and 6 at el campo high school
It's 🏈Ricebird GAME DAY🏈 And how fun to be greeted by the Ricebird football players at morning drop-off?!?! #ttbl
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
ricebird football vs cc veterans memorial on september 9th at 7:30 at ricebird stadium
football players with an elementary student
football players greeting an elementary student
In Mrs. Eder's Biotechnology 1 class, students are exploring the complex work of regulated documentation by making a Snack Mix using cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices). They then wrote a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for brushing teeth. Students connected industry standards for creating and following regulated documents. (New toothbrushes and toothpaste were used during the testing process.)
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
students making snack mix
students making snack mix
students with toothpaste
students brushing their teeth
ECHS AVID had its first guest speaker yesterday. Superintendent, Bob Callaghan, spoke with AVID students about their journey in life, finding success, and skills that will make a difference in their lives. We are so thankful he took time out of his busy schedule to visit with us.
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
Mr. C talking to the AVID students
Mr. C talking to the AVID students
🏈 Varsity Football Tickets 🏈 Save time at the gate & purchase your tickets ahead of time! ALL pre-sale tickets are $8. This week, tickets can be purchased at the Ricebird Athletic Office on Thursday 8-12 or in the Ricebird Gym foyer on Friday morning after the pep rally.
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
Freshman & JV Football are playing at Patti Welder Stadium in Victoria against CC Vets Memorial on 9/8/22. Freshmen @ 4 & JV @ 5:30. Get your tickets here: https://events.ticketspicket.com/agency/db208bc6-e4a8-4d27-9411-429a4a6d4197/events/2ccd12a3-6b12-4504-bfaf-69d9d284ce36
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
Attention Class of 2012!! There will be a reunion on Saturday, September 10th. For anyone in town on Friday the 9th, join us at the Ricebird Football Game! For anyone wanting to buy their tickets, comment below or message Heather Lane or Kaleigh Montalvo.
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
echs class of 2012 reunion sept 10 7pm j's patio
Good luck to the Ladybirds in the match against Iowa Colony this afternoon! Game day and online tickets: https://www.ecisd.org/events?id=12322986
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
volleyball games at 4:30 and 5:50 at Iowa Colony high school
Who's ready for some Friday Night Lights? Get tickets and stadium information here: https://bit.ly/ecricebirds. Not able to make the game in Corpus? Watch it live-streamed here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjqnUYGFAASNAO4TZllz16Q/channels #TTBL
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
ricebird football vs cc miller on september 2nd at 7:30 at buc stadium
Thank you to everyone who supported the NHS blood drive yesterday! We collected 112 total units of blood. This was the most successful blood drive ECHS has hosted since 2017. We appreciate all the hard work, effort, and donations that made it such a positive and life saving day!
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
students holding blood drive signs
Tickets for the Ladybird Volleyball at Iowa Colony can be purchased online: https://gofan.co/app/events/662159?schoolId=TX87455
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
ladybirds play volleyball at iowa colony
Come out and watch the Ladybirds beat the Cobras tonight! They are on fire! 🏐🔥🏐🔥🏐🔥🏐 #TTBL
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
volleyball games at 5 and 6 at el campo high school
Plan on going to the Ricebird game this Friday in Corpus Christi? Purchase your tickets and get game day information here: https://bit.ly/ecricebirds
over 2 years ago, Ricky Ricebird
clear bag policy for CCISD football stadium