Check out today's episode of Ricebird News with Mr. Callaghan. In this episode of the news, hear a recap of the start of school and an update on lunch prices, see the award-winning Cheerleaders and Derby Dolls, and find out where you can catch the Ricebirds in action.

A big thank you to VonDerAu Ford, Sonic, and Gilbert Escamilla with Tejano Jamz DJ Entertainment for the generous donation of school supplies to our students!!

ECMS says “Thanks H‑E‑B for providing breakfast for all our staff!”

Elementary Meet the Teacher - Aug 8th | Myatt 5-6 | Hutchins 5:30-6:30 | Northside 5-6

ECHS Freshman Orientation - Aug 8th 1pm

Hutchins Elementary staff kicked off the new school year and revealed their new theme: “The Road to Success is Always Under Construction!”

Have a little dancer in the family? It's time to register for the Derby Doll Mini Clinic being held on October 15th in the ECHS Practice Gym.
PK - 1st graders 9-11 am, and 2nd-5th graders 1-3 pm. $40 each, and each additional sibling is $25. Registration information: https://bit.ly/3znFccn

Mr. Wells and others are making sure El Campo schools are ready for the return of our Ricebirds next week. With the School Board's approval of funds for safety and security, the application of security window film and changes to building access is in progress.

Don’t forget, incoming 6th graders and their parents are invited to orientation today, Aug. 4th, from 5-7pm at ECMS.

Attention ECMS Parents: To address parent concerns, along with clear backpacks, COLORED MESH backpacks that are fully transparent will also be allowed this school year.

ECHS Chromebook Distribution Dates:
August 4 - 1:00-4:00 pm;
August 5 - 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00 pm (Closed for lunch 12-1);
August 8th - 1:00 pm Freshman as part of orientation (ONLY 9th grade on this day); and
August 9 - 8:00-11:30 am.
If a parent is unable to make any of these days and times, the students will get their Chromebook the first week of school through their classes.

Check out the 1st episode of Ricebird News for the 2022-2023 school year. You'll see the new calendar design, hear about changes to the dress code, and learn about the safety measures the board approved for this school year. https://youtu.be/02cfpEeKaJk

Watch last night's School Board Meeting here: https://bit.ly/72622BoardMtg

Not able to attend the June School Board Meeting? Watch it here: https://bit.ly/June22BoardMtg

Retirement is a time to experience a fulfilling life derived from many enjoyable and rewarding activities.
Congrats Beverly Juranek, Elma Eacobar, James Harp and Steve Saenz!

Just wishing every student and their families a wonderful day!